The Bobby Rock Newsletter #68 (7-23-22) - It's Time To Walk!
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #68 (7-23-22) - It's Time To Walk!
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Hey Everybody -
Touring season continues out here with Lita Ford, as we find ourselves back in PA today for another show tonight. Hope you all are well. I know our last few editions have been on the lengthy side, so I’ll try to be a bit more concise this week. Let’s go!
In This Issue:
Hey Everybody -
Touring season continues out here with Lita Ford, as we find ourselves back in PA today for another show tonight. Hope you all are well. I know our last few editions have been on the lengthy side, so I’ll try to be a bit more concise this week. Let’s go!
In This Issue:
A Case for Walking: Here’s a lifestyle concept that, in this day and age, we would all do well to integrate. Details ahead…
- Contemplating some timeless wisdom from the “original gangster,” Confucius…
- Lita Ford tour dates through August
+ + + + + + +
About Last Night…

Three Black Beauty snares on a sweet DW kit from our show last night in NY. Yes, we often use "backline-provided” gear at these shows. Scope a few details at the News Feed.
It’s Time To Walk!
Once upon a time, I would’ve advised someone wanting to get back in shape to simply choose a form of exercise they like and try to do it three to four times per week to start. You could lift some weights, jog, ride a bike, hop on an elliptical machine, do yoga, martial arts, pilates, aerobic classes, or whatever you are most likely to be consistent with, performed wherever you are most inspired to do it. And, at the very least, if walking was your thing, fine: Hold a brisk pace several times a week for 20 to 30 minutes and it’s a start.
But since those days, we’ve become even more sedentary. And what we are seeing a lot more of lately is an extreme amount of dormancy between workouts. For example, let's say you get up early and do an hour at the gym first thing in the AM before work. Cool. But then, if you are basically sitting around and looking at screens for the rest of the day, you are essentially sustaining 23 consecutive hours of inactivity before the next workout, and double that if you are training every other day. That’s a lot of time to not be moving, especially when you consider how much our ancestors ambled about on a given day.
Simply put, the human body was designed to move—often—and when we sit around for hours at a pop every day, we pay the price with weakened muscles and bones, structural issues (especially from sitting so much), decreased aerobic capacity, weight gain, compromised digestion, and much more.
This is where walking can really enhance your program. In addition to any “official” workouts you might be scheduling each week, make a concerted effort to walk more throughout the day. And the best way to monitor this is through any of a number of gadgets these days that will count your steps (FitBit, Smartphone, etc.) The idea is, you will want to crank up the steps to something like 5000 per day, which will, obviously, accumulate over the course of an entire day. Once you make it a daily quest, it’s actually pretty fun and quite challenging. You will be looking for opportunities to cut into your steps quota, and this will add a game-changing amount of movement into your life.

(Generic "walking shot" meant to elicit inspirational tinglings
to get the hell out on that walking trail!)
Even better, I say, is to shoot for a weekly total, like 35,000 steps. This is still 5k per day, but I prefer weekly quotas because if you happen to fall short one day, you can try to make up for it the next. Or, if you have a super active step count one day, you can “bank" some extra steps for another day when you might not be able to get your full 5000.
A few ideas:
- Park further away from places so you have to walk a bit more
- Look to multitask on a walk: return some phone calls, listen to an audiobook or podcast, or walk and talk with a friend.
- Have a treadmill handy? This will give you even more multitasking options because now you can watch something. (If you’re into a Netflix binge of some sort, this is an excellent way to spend that time.)
And finally...
1. Pace is not of particular importance here, since it’s more about the movement, rather than the conditioning. So just walk!
2. The Art of Walking: There is a tremendous precedent throughout our history of all kinds of artists, writers, and other deep thinkers who swear by the power of the walk. For many, it was/is a daily part of their creative life… and also a chance to get outside, commune with nature, clear their head, and just think more clearly.
3. Out of the exercise groove? No problem. Start here! Develop a nice walking habit first, then gradually schedule in some workouts later. It will be the best of both worlds.
Let’s Walk!
Food For Thought

Chinese philosopher Confucius was kicking’ it in the 5th or 6th century BC, and his famous work, The Analects, came out in the later years of his life. I mention this to illustrate how timeless so much of his wisdom is, including this little gem:
“The Master said, He does not mind not being in office; all he minds about is whether he has qualities that entitle him to office. He does not mind failing to get recognition; he is too busy doing the things that entitle him to recognition.”
In our current social media-style climate, we would all do well to keep this in mind. We are in an era of “unearned recognition,” where we can garner attention merely with the craftiness of a strategic post. And while there is nothing inherently wrong with keeping friends, fans, and followers “posted” on our activities, Confucius is essentially warning us against spending a disproportionate amount of energy in the pursuit of attention, rather than the pursuit of greatness.
Just my take...
Lita Ford Summer Tour Dates through August (so far)

Pic by Teddy Allison
July 29 - Franklin, OH - J.D. Legends
July 30 - Negaunee, MI - Thunder on the Iron Range Music Festival
August 3 - Oshkosh, WI - Oshkosh Arena
August 5 - Manlkato, MN - Better Stone Amphitheater
August 6 - Sioux City, IA - Hard Rock Hotel and Casino
August 8 - Sturgis, SD - Sturgis Buffalo Chip (+ Rob Zombie)
August 13 - Normal, IL - Cornbelters Stadium
August 20 - Emmet, ID - Stoney’s Road House
As always, scope the site HERE for updates.
As always, scope the site HERE for updates.
And if you haven’t already, be sure and take a moment to sign up to the site right HERE, or in the upper right-hand corner of any page on it. You will get an automatic email notification whenever I’m playing within a couple hours of your crib.
Thanks again, everybody. Connect next week! Until then, BR
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