The Bobby Rock Newsletter #17 (7-21-2021) - Going From Good to Great
The Bobby Rock Newsletter #17 (7-21-2021) - Going From Good to Great
Hey Everyone -
Checking in from the road again this week. Just pulled into Grover Hill, OH today, where we (Lita Ford and co) are co-headlining a big festival with Molly Hatchet tomorrow night. Life is good! ![]() A near-full moon last night in Lorain, OH, during the drum solo. Pic by Marty O'Brien On with this week's NewsBlast. Thanks again for reading. It means a lot... _______________ Quick Tip on Protein Requirements I get a lot of questions about protein, with one of the main ones being, “How much do we need?” The short answer is always, “Not as much as most people think!” Protein remains, in my opinion, one of the most over-emphasized of the macronutrients. That said, we do want to consistently try to hit a certain amount each day, and the metric I’ve always recommended is 1/2 gram per pound of lean bodyweight. And by “lean bodyweight,” I mean what you would weigh if the majority of your excess body fat were to suddenly melt off of your body (presuming you’re carrying any extra). For example, if you are a 190-pound male who is carrying around an extra 30 pounds right now, you would calculate your protein requirement based on a bodyweight of 160, which would put you at around 80g per day (.5 x 160 = 80). Or, if you are a 140-pound woman whose lean-and-mean “fighting weight” Is closer to 120 pounds, then 60g would be your daily goal. No need to stress out about calculating your numbers all the time, though. Coming up short of your target number one day, but then exceeding it the next, won’t matter much in the big picture of your health and wellbeing. But this formula will at least give you a general range to be aware of. More details on protein soon! _______________ Ignoring Unvetted Criticism It is astonishing to me that anyone would give a fuck about what someone (who you might not even know) says about you on some kind of public platform (social media, YouTube, etc.). If you don’t know them, how can you assign any level of value or credibility to their opinion of you or your work? Which reminds me of this classic bit of wisdom: "Don’t accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from." Unknown Admittedly, I’m finding that this becomes more automatic as you get older. Still, it’s a mantra worth repeating in an age where comments and opinions are as prevalent as oxygen. _______________ Podcast Magic: Tim Ferris interviewing Jim Collins (Two Episodes) Good Lord, these interviews go deep. I’ve been a huge Jim Collins fan for years. The man is a beast. Loved his book Good To Great, where he deconstructs some of the more successful publicly traded companies and extracts all of the pearls in a way that is applicable to most anyone’s journey in going from “good to great.” ![]() Here, with Ferris asking all the right questions, we get a most in-depth profile of one of our finest minds. With a staggering amount of detail and clarity, it’s definitely super-heady stuff. But we probably shouldn’t expect genius under a microscope to show up any differently than this. I’ve listened to each episode at least three times apiece and would recommend them to anyone wanting to get better and be better. I would start off with the first one (see links below). Pure greatness here, folks… And by the way, if you are typically not one to scope out “business-type” content, don’t worry; Collins is really all about quantifiable improvement as a general concept. The reason he has typically focused on publicly traded companies is because the pure transparency and accessibility of their numbers (and hence, the unequivocal “evidence” of their progress) have given him and his research team more reliable data to quantify improvement… or diminishment. But again, the general philosophies and directives he espouses are universal to anyone wanting to be great at what they do. Check out the main page of each episode for a detailed overview of what’s covered, then click into your preferred format from there. First Episode from Feb, 2019: Jim Collins — A Rare Interview with a Reclusive Polymath (#361) Second Episode from Nov 2020: Jim Collins on The Value of Small Gestures, Unseen Sources of Power, and More (#483) Lotsa gems throughout... _______________
Thanks much! Catch you guys next week... Until then, BR
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